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For someone who loves writing words, someone who has made words their career, I sure have no idea what to say when people ask me about myself. Not even when I ask myself, on my own website! This is my best attempt:


My name is Sarah Leslie King. I am a Temple University graduate. My focus is in copywriting though I also have a certificate in screen studies. I love reading, to the point where I challenge myself to read 50 books a year. I've yet to accomplish this but in 2019, I got really close and read 45. My other hobbies include baking and cooking and gardening (though I'm only good at these things sometimes.) I have three cats, Charlie, Nona, and Mango. I am bright and excited and energetic but please, don't call me peppy. I am eager to continue exploring my career and make the world a better place. 


Oh and one more thing: Just keep pedaling! What does it mean?! The first time I took a long bike ride in the city, I thought I was going to die. I was going up a hill, that I now realize wasn't even that steep. I was just about to give up and walk the bike the rest of the way, but this man on the sidewalk saw my struggle and all he said was this: "Just keep pedaling. Whatever you do, don't stop pedaling. You've got this." It's stuck with me ever since. When things get tough or I think I can't do it anymore, I remember to just keep pedaling. 

About Me: About Me
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