In this life we often have two choices
Good or Evil
Fair or Unfair
Left or Right
Hate or Love
It is impossible to seclude yourself to just one side of the spectrum
Whether it be that you love to hate someone or you can’t keep traveling in right hand circles
Even the greatest goods have shades of evil
And certainly the most evil have grains of good
It’s less about your percentage of choice
And more about your perception of it
Do you sway left or right because it feels like the correct thing to do
Or do you make an unfair assessment because that’s your body’s natural leaning
Intention is everything and nothing at once
I don’t intend to hurt you
But here you are, hurt
Who is at fault, you or I?
You, for allowing the pain to occur
Or me, for incurring any pain at all, accidental or incidental.
Two paths diverged in a wood
Neither choice is right or wrong
Nor good or evil
The choices are still and solid
They’ll remain regardless of the decision made
It is only you who assigns meaning
We all have a choice
But more often than not, that choice is ultimately meaningless
We will do as we do because we are meant to, not because we choose to
It is fated that way
Does this lack of choice absolve one of guilt, both seen and unseen?
If it is fate that leads the way, not our own minds and hearts then who can be to blame
Fate’s own intention divides us, denies us, and provides us with no rhyme, no reason
Swift as sin, the hand strikes regardless of heads or tails
There is no right or wrong when she is at play
This life is out of our hands
The choice is not ours
It never was