Falling in love is so easy
New person, new plaything, all yours for the taking
Butterflies cloud your eyes so you miss out on all their lies
What’s left to be seen is visions so blinding, bright, and green
They delight and entice, it’s easy to dismiss your heart in a vice
Falling in love is so much fun
Finding comfort and excitement within every curve of their existence
The way they make you smile, it widens your heart by at least ten miles
Even the games you play make your day because you know with them it’ll be okay
Falling in love with yourself is so much harder
Instead of comfort in curves, you find discontent with mountains that should be meadows
It’s easier to pinpoint every flaw, every crack, every mistake that make you up
Despite what you’ve heard, imperfect is not perfect
Be it the lines that mark your eyes or the weight that holds you down
Each line on the list of never ending disappointments will mark the mask you wear
Falling in love with yourself feels impossible
Holding so much hatred in your heart is never good
Especially when that scorn is all self turned
Those who emanates golden light for all to feel struggle to keep it even keel
Especially if that evil spiel becomes the endless meal
It’s false what they say about love given and love taken
Anyone can love anyone, despite self-love forsaken
It’s that those with such large self-doubt are so much more likely to fall and not make it out
What’s more and even most is when the two meet and match
It’s looking within and seeing you’re a catch
To see what they see and feel that love too
Makes you realize that maybe, just maybe, love can be for you.